Friday, November 19, 2010

What is a Giving Fund? Part 1

Here is what I've noticed, assuming makes you look really stupid sometimes, so because of that I'm not going to do it. Now you would assume, if we were going to do that sort of thing, that people that proclaim to be givers" would know the true purpose of giving, and the value of a giving fund.
This is not the case, not only that but some have never even heard of a giving fund!
Becasue of this we are going to cover briefly in this post what it is and it's value in your life when used properly

What is a giving fund?

This is a place that you keep money that you have desingnated for (sowing) giving. It doesn't have to be fancy but it does have to have a certain level of organization, don't let that word scare you,lol, for some people the word organization is as bad as getting a shot at the Dr's office. I promise we'll keep it simple.
You can use a jar, can, shoe box, drawer, of open a bank account, whatever you're most comfortable with. Now you're going to keep two things in or around your "giving fund", one is the money and the other are the receipts from your giving.
The reason for keeping receipts is because depending on who, where, or what you give to there may be some tax advantages for you, see your tax advisor for specifics, but more importantly you have a record of and can "see" your giving so you can pray over it.

You need to pray over your seed!

You praying over your see is just like the farmer watering his crops, you need to water your seed regularly, through prayer, which allows you to receive the greatest possible return on your harvest. You did remember we get a harvest out of this didn't you?
Plus, additional benefit here, it allows you to pray for the reciprent of your seed, and since prayer is a form of sowing when doing it for others. As you pray over your previously planted seed your sowing more...this just gets gudder and gudder, yes "gudder" is a word, at least now it is.
Now you may still be asking, John why is this so important, why do all of this?

Well I'm so glad you asked!

Our purpose on this planet is to 1. Love God with all our heart and 2. Love our neighbor as ourselves. God so loved the world that He is a outward showing of love, you're showing God that you love Him enough to follow His example. You are also showing God's Love to others by living this kind of life style...a living, walking testimony!
I'll tell you something it has done for me and everyone who has done this , it gives you purpose and fullment in your life.
If you've ever wondered what your purpose for being here is, doing this helps bring answers and clarity to that question.

More to come in Part 2.
Also see the video teaching area of this site for additional info on this subject.

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