Thursday, November 11, 2010

Struggling with Purpose?

Over the years I have had trouble with finding my purpose, and it has had adverse effects on my life. The Bible says that where there is no vision (purpose is included here)the people perish (die a slow painful death).Things are destroyed where there is no clarity of purpose.

A lack of purpose also causes inconsistency in peoples lives, they are always looking for something , never satisfied, constantly jumping from one thing to another in search of fulfillment. Your focus is the problem. I.I.I, me,me,me, you're focusing on something you can't solve, believe it or not, you can't fix yourself, shocking huh. If this is you, I have good news!

Change your focus and fix your problems by default! Here's what's cool, other people may have problems that you can help with, or maybe even fix by doing this you are giving (sowing) into to the problem of someone else and positioning yourself to receive help and solutions to your own problems...

More to come in future posts and video teachings.
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