Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tipping: A form of giving...Being thankful.

Lets continue of lesson on tipping. This is a sore spot for me mainly because most people don't know how to do it properly and in most cases don't care enough to find out how to do it properly. Lets start with dining out, the general rule of thumb is 15% gratuity on meals, right, right. However what most people fail to realize is that is the minimum amount to start tipping...not the max.

I am amazed when I go out to eat with folks and observe how they conduct themselves (we won't talk about that right now) and how they handle the tip. A lot of people botch the tip because they don't know what it is or what it means. I personally believe they messed up when the word "tip" started being used in stead of gratuity. For one the word tip usually brings to mind something small at the top of something like, the tip of the iceberg, or tip top of the mountain, or tippy toes, see what I mean. Gratuity, on the other hand is not only a bigger word, 8 letters vs 3 (smile), but it is a form of showing thankfulness, a genuine appreciation of an act or deed.

More to come...

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